Friday, July 27, 2018

Question bank for exam

MONDAY, JULY 31, 2017


Press this key

To do this
Display Help

Copy the selected item


Cut the selected item
Paste the selected item

Undo an action

Redo an action

Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin

Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first

Rename the selected item

Ctrl+Right Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word

Ctrl+Left Arrow

Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word

Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph

Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph

Ctrl+Shift with an arrow key
Select a block of text

Shift with any arrow key
Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document

Ctrl with any arrow key+Spacebar
Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop

Select all items in a document or window

Search for a file or folder

Display properties for the selected item

Close the active item, or exit the active program

Open the shortcut menu for the active window

Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)

Switch between open items

Use the arrow keys to switch between open items

Ctrl+Mouse scroll wheel
Change the size of icons on the desktop

Windows logo key Picture of Windows logo key+Tab
Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D

Ctrl+Windows logo key Picture of Windows logo key+Tab
Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D

Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened

Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop

Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer

Display the shortcut menu for the selected item

Open the Start menu

Alt+underlined letter
Display the corresponding menu

Alt+underlined letter
Perform the menu command (or other underlined command)

Activate the menu bar in the active program

Right Arrow
Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu

Left Arrow
Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu

Refresh the active window

Alt+Up Arrow
View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer

Cancel the current task

Open Task Manager

Shift when you insert a CD
Prevent the CD from automatically playing

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017


Q1-Which topology is the collection of two or more topologies ?

a- Hybrid            b- Tree           c- Star              d-Bus

Q2- Which  topology uses HUB or Switch as a central device ?

a- Star       b-    Bus            c- Mesh             d- Hybrid

Q3- In which topology terminator is used ?

a- Star       b- Mesh             c- Ring             d- Bus

Q4- In which topology only one computer's data is transfered at a time. And there is no chances of   collison in network .
a- Star             b- Ring          c- Mesh                d- Tree

Q5- Which topology works on full duplex?
a-  Bus            b- Ring                c- Dual ring           d- Star (switch)

Q6- When multiple stars are connected to a single point to communicate to each other, This topology  is known as-
a- Ring       b- Mesh               c- Tree          d- Hybrid

Q7- In which topology Token is used to give priority to specific device. Only a host which has token , can send data in network.
     a- Mesh           b- Star                c- Ring            d- Hybrid

Q8- In which topology all devices are connected to each other by a dedicated cable. And no central device is used .
a- Star            b- Mesh             c- Hybrid                     d-   Tree

Q9- This is a network toplogy which uses Multistation Access Unit as a central device.
a- Mesh       b- Hybrid         c- Tree                 d- Ring

Q10- Which topology has a backup path . When first path gets fail then second path gets active ?
a-  Dual Ring     b- Tree        c- Hybrid         d- Star



1 -a



There are many way to write a number. Basically we read and write any number in decimal number system but . In many places some other number systems are used. When we configure IP address in our computer, We need to understand it in binary. and when we need to know more about MAC address or IP v6 we need to know about hexadecimal number system.

Some number systems are-

Decimal Number system -(0123456789) In decimal number system total numbers are 10 . We write any number using these ten numbers.

Binary Number System - (01) There is only two numbers in binary number system. It's base is 2

Octal Number System - (01234567) There is eight numbers in octal number .

Hexadecimal Number System- (0123456789ABCDEF) In hexadecimal number ,there are 16 numbers.

 In banking exams number conversions are  asked.

Examples- Decimal to binary .

 Rule- 1-We divide given number by 2 until last number is 1 or 0 .
           2-Answer is written from bottom to top
           3-Last number will also be added to answer

1-  (255)= (         )                                                                                                                          2-  (4125)= (           )

Examples-  binary to Decimal

Rules- 1- Write the place value of all numbers
           2- Start from right side
           3 - First number will be 1
           4- In binary place values are- 1  2  4  8  16   32   64   128    256   512   1024
           5- Write all number's place value and add them at last , That will be answer.

1-   (1110010)= (  226   ) 

 2-   (101010101) = (341)

Decimal to hexadecimal-

(515)= (   203   )
(511)= (1FF)

 Hexadecimal to Decimal-

(203)=  (515)

(1FF)= (511)


Questions for banking

1. Data Dictionary contains?
a) Data about data (Meta Data) 
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Networks
e) None of the above

2. ____________terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems.
a) Data
b) Point-of-sale (POS) 
c) Sales
d) Query
e) Graph

3. The uniform resource locator (URL) is case sensitive in the ____.
a) Protocol
b) Authority
c) Directory 
d) Type
e) None of the above

4. Who designed the first electronic computer - ENIAC?
a) Van Neuman
b) John Mauchly
c) J presper Eckert
d) Both (b) and (c)
e) None of the above

5. Which of the following is not a network?
a) LAN
b) MAN
c) DRAM 
d) All are networks
e) None of the above

6. Who invented Computer Mouse?
a) Ada Lovelace
b) John Mauchly
c) Charles Babbage
d) Van Neuman
e) Douglas Engelbart 

7. Which type of printer prints by selectively unchanging static electricity from spots on a metal drum?
a) Plotter
b) Dot-matrix printer
c) Laser printer 
d) Ink-jet printer
e) None of the above

8. ___________software allows the user to speak into the computer rather than type in text.
a) Message
c) Speech recognition 
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

9. What does the XP stand for in Windows XP?
a) Exponential
b) Experience 
c) Expertise
d) Exchange
e) None of the above

10. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of________.
a) application software 
b) system software
c) operating system software
d) platform software
e) none of the above




1- Which is not an Operating system ?
   a- windows 7             b- fedora           c- Photoshop         d-  Ubuntu

2- How many bit an IP address contains.

   a- 64                           b- 32                  c- 48                      d-16

3- BIOS stands for-
   a- Basic Input Output Setting              b- Beginer Input Output System
   c- Basic Input Output System              d-Basic Incoming outgoing System

4- Which is not a input device ?
  a- Barcode reader       b- Scanner         c- pendrive     d- mouse

5-  Which is not a part of CPU ?
   a- Cache memory    b- ALU       c- CU                d- kernal

6- Which is not a storade device ?
  a- Digitel audio tape       b- Modem      c- floppy         d- DVD

7- Which protocol is responsible for sending emails?

a- POP3        b- RDP                 c- SMTP              d-IP

Q8- How many layers are in OSI model ?

a- 4                        b-5                       c-6                       d-7

Q9- Which layer is responsible for framing ?

a-  Data link layer        b-  Network Layer     c- Physical Layer  d- Transport Layer

Q10-How  many bit a MAC address contains ?

a- 32               b-48               c-64                d-128


Friday, July 20, 2018

Interview Question related to OSI Model

Interview Questions related to OSI Model

Q1- What is OSI layer ?
Ans- OSI layer is a conceptual model developed by ISO which describes the flow of data between sender and receiver in a network. It describes the changing in data unit on each layer. There are seven layer in OSI model . All layer perform a specific task.

Q2- Tell me three network layer Protocols ?
Ans-  IP (internet Protocol)
         ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol )
         RARP ( Reverse Address Resolution Protocol )

Q3-  What is different between TCP and UDP ?
Ans- TCP and UDP both protocol works on Transport layer of OSI model. Both are responsible for               data delivery but there are some difference between them.

     TCP - 
It is a connection oriented protocol . It is a reliable protocol which gives acknowledgement after delivery a data to destination. It transfers data after making connection between source and destination computers. It is slower than UDP because it checks connection before sending any segment of data. HTTP, FTP, SMTP, RDP are works with TCP

UDP is connection less protocol . It is unreliable because it does not give acknowledgement after delivering data. It is faster than TCP .  TFTP, DNS and DHCP works with UDP.

Q4- Which layer adds header and trailer ?
Ans- Data Link Layer.

Q5- Hub, switch, router, bridge, repeater , NIC , MAC , IP  works on which layer of OSI model.

Ans.  HUB           -         Physical Layer
          Switch        -         Data Link Layer
          Repeater     -         Physical Layer
          Bridge        -         Date Link Layer
          Router        -         Network Layer
          NIC            -         Data Link Layer
           MAC         -         Data Link Layer
           IP              -         Network Layer

Q6- Which layer is responsible for framing ?
Ans. Data link layer is responsible for framing. HDLC, PPP  and frame-relay are the data link layer protocol.

Q7- What is Port number ? Which layer adds port number ?

Ans- Port number is the address of protocol which is used to identify services working of any host in network. It is assigned by IANA ( Internet Assign Network Authority ) . Transport Layer adds port numbers in segment that is called service point addressing. There are some important protocol and their Port numbers.

HTTP ( Hyper Text Transfer Protocol )  -      80 (SSL-443)
SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ) - 25  (SSL-465)
POP  ( Post Office Protocol )                    -110  (SSL-995)
FTP  ( File Transfer Protocol )                  - 20 and 21
Telnet                                                         -23
RDP ( Remote Desktop Protocol )             -3389
ICMP ( Internet Control Message Protocol ) - 1 and 7

Server Question and Answers

Server Questions and Answers.

Interview Questions asked for server admin position- 

Q- What is ADDS ?

Ans-    ADDS stands for Active Directory Domain Service. It is a feature of Microsoft Servers , introduced  in server 2000 . It is used to create a domain based network where all computers follow a single domain name and managed by a central location called Domain Controller.
Which server hosts ADDS service , can control activities of computers connected in domain .
Domain Controller stores information about users , groups and computers connected in network.

Q- What is  DNS ?
Ans-   DNS  stands for Domain Naming System. It is used for name resolution. It resolves query asked by clients. DNS also provide a hierarchical name space in a Domain environment . It is also used with internet to resolve website address to IP address. It can be integrated with ADDS or can be standalone. It resolves host name to IP address and IP address to host name. It has many records related to network like host record (record of client computers), Pointer record (IP address of client PCs) ,NS (Name server ) record , SOA (Start Of Authority ) record etc.

Q- What is Domain?
Ans-    Domain is a logical group of computers where all computers access services from a central location. All computers are managed by a single central point. In a Domain there is  Domain Controller who manages activities of client computers.

Q- What is FTP ?

Ans- FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. it is used to download and upload files , We can send our data to multiple users in a LAN or WAN . This service can be configured on server operating system as well as client Operating System. It uses Port number 20 and 21. We create a FTP site to publish data. Using this site address anyone can access data. We can apply permission on that site for specific user but it is configured by default for anonymous user.

Q- What is DHCP ?

Ans- DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol . It is used to assign IP address automatically to connected hosts in network. We can define a IP address pool(ranges of IP ) to distribute IP address. DHCP can be configured on many networking devices like Server, Router, Firewall , Access Point etc. It uses DORA process to assign IP address automatically . Where D=Discover, O=Offer, R= Request and A= Acknowledgement . There are many advantages to use DHCP-
1-record of distributed IP address
2-No chances of IP address conflict.
3- According to need IP address can be reserve for hosts using their MAC address.
4- Time saving task in large network.


OS-- Run commands


  • NCPA.CPL-------------------------To open netowrk and sharing center

  • REGEDIT---------------------------To open registry editor.

  • MSRA-------------------------------To open remote assistance.

  • MSTSC------------------------------To open remote desktop connection.

  • APPWIZ.CPL----------------------To open program and features.

  • CONTROL-------------------------To open control panel.

  • TASKMGR-------------------------To open task manager.

  • DISKMGMT.MSC----------------To open disk management.

  • DEVMGMT.MSC-----------------To open device manager.

  • COMPMGMT.MSC---------------To open computer management.

  • CMD---------------------------------To open command prompt.

  • LUSRMGR.MSC------------------To open local user and group.

  • MMC--------------------------------To open microsoft management console.

  • EVENTVWR-----------------------To open event viewer.

  • IEXPLORE-------------------------To open internet explorer.

  • WINWORD------------------------To open ms word.

  • EXCEL------------------------------To open ms excel.

  • POWERPNT------------------------To open power point.

  • NOTEPAD--------------------------To open notepad

  • WORDPAD-------------------------To open word pad.

  • MSPAINT---------------------------To open paint.

  • CALC-------------------------------To open calculator.

  • MAGNIFY------------------------- To open magnifier.

  • OSK----------------------------------To open on screan keyboard.

  • NARRATOR------------------------To open narrator.

  • FIREWALL.CPL-------------------To open firewall.

  • GPEDIT.MSC-----------------------To open group policy editor.

  • SECPOL.MSC----------------------To open security policy.

  • GPUPDATE--------------------------To update group policy.

  • DEFRAG-----------------------------To open disk defragement.


BSOD Troubleshooting


1- BSOD Error-

BSOD stands for Blue Screen Of  Death. This problem is related to windows operating system.In this problem PC is not able to do any task. You need to restart your computer.  There is some solutions for this problem.

a- First of all you should check whether a new software or hardware is installed. First remove it and check.It may not be compatible with your OS or BIOS. There may be wrong memory type installed or unsupported/defected Hard Disk installed.

b- Scan your PC with updated antivirus. There may be virus infection in your PC.

c-  Restore your PC if you have created restore point.

d- Check your PC temperature . It may be high. Due to overheating this problem may be occur

e- Still problem is not solved . You should upgrade your BIOS.

f- Finally you can see to change your OS. There may be corrupted some OS files.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


CCNA Telnet on Router


We can configure telnet on router to manage remotely to router. First connect your router to PC via console cable. Install putty or hyper terminal. Open putty and run following commands to configure telnet on router -

To configure telnet first you need to give IP address to connected port of router-

Router#conf t
Router(config)# int f0/0
Router(config-if)#ip add
Router(config-if)#no shutdown

After Giving IP address run following command to configure telnet.

Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#pass 12345

After configuring  telnet , you need to give enable password. If you have not given enable password then you will not be able to access privilage or configuration mode from telnet client.
To give enable password follow these commands.

Router(config)# enable pass 123

Now you have successfully configured telnet . You can access telnet from any telnet enabled device like PC.

To access telnet  follow this command

c:\ telnet

give password as you given on router.

Connect router to PC

Open CLI on Router

Run IP address, Telnet and enable command

Go to PC assign IP address-

Open cmd and run command to access telnet


Research about the organization. Search background information, get the perspective, develop a question list. Compare your skills an...